freshSingle - Free Online Dating

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What's the best way to initiate a conversation with women on a dating site?
Answer by Single
I can briefly describe to you how you should NOT approach women on the internet, which might also help you. I receive silly pick-up lines every day that mostly revolve around one thing - sex! If ...
2 answers in total
Why can't I find the right woman?
Answer by Single
Maybe you just have too negative of a vibe, you always come across as how you feel about yourself. I don't mean to offend, but could it be possible that you're only attractive at first glance, but ...
1 answer in total
Traveling alone as a single?
Answer by Single
Well, I would just plan and travel on my vacation myself. Spending it alone at home and feeling blue would be too much of a waste for me. For singles who don't enjoy traveling alone, there's also ...
2 answers in total
No success with men?
Answer by Single
I am single myself and know from experience that often neither party is 'at fault' if a date doesn't progress further. No matter how much two people like each other, sometimes the spark just isn't ...
2 answers in total
How can one effectively signal interest to a man?
Answer by Single
As someone already said, just go ahead and speak up. As a man myself, and like many others, I understand that feeling all too well. You wait and hope that he finally approaches you, and we "guys" ...
2 answers in total
How do you get happy as a single?
Answer by Single
I know how you feel. And from experience, I can say that your attitude of accepting being single isn't actually that bad, as it protects you from disappointments. I've learned that as a single ...
2 answers in total
How do I get to know a man?
Answer by Single
Basically, everything essential has already been answered. The only thing, in my opinion, that could be added is the following truism: The more (desperately) one longs and wishes for ...
3 answers in total
Do women find men with or without a beard more attractive?
Answer by Single
That's really a matter of personal taste! There are women who find men with beards totally unattractive, and others are really into it. Of course, it's important that a beard is well-groomed. I ...
1 answer in total
How do I deal with my lovesickness?
Answer by Single
There's unfortunately no universal remedy for heartbreak. Nevertheless, here's how you can cope with your heartache and overcome the pain of separation: finally draw the line and start afresh! ...
5 answers in total
Do you guys talk to your partner about sexual desires and erotic fantasies?
Answer by Single
I'm genuinely surprised by how many people here are saying not to talk about it! ... and I thought I was conservative! :) What's the harm in discussing it though?! ... whether it actually ...
5 answers in total
Can women still be impressed by intelligence?
Answer by Single
I don't think IQ is decisive for a relationship!... There are so many other factors at play... and the 'chemistry' can still be right even if intelligence isn't the focal point. Perhaps your buddy ...
5 answers in total
How can I overcome my inhibitions to approach women without fear?
Answer by Single
Someone recently told me in relation to another but similar topic that it's quite normal to be excited... sometimes, in such situations, you just release too many endorphins, which can also lead ...
1 answer in total
Obvious invitation to sex or misunderstanding?
Answer by Single
I would say, it already strongly suggests it when a woman says that... but usually, in such a case, women also send other signals that sometimes don't get through... :D
1 answer in total
My wife cheated on me! How do I get to trust her again?
Answer by Single
First of all, my sincere condolences! Unfortunately, I know such a situation from my own experience. Honestly, it took a long time to reconcile with my partner and even longer to truly trust them ...
4 answers in total
How does a relationship last a lifetime?
Answer by Single
The metaphorical secret of the older generation is: repairing things instead of replacing them. This works in relationships too. In plain terms: How do you stay a couple for a lifetime? Facing ...
4 answers in total
Do women find bald men attractive or unsexy?
Answer by Single
I, as a woman, don't find a male bald head sexy. I actually find it rather unattractive. It reminds me more of my grandfather than a deliciously sexy man. I'm into guys with full hair.
4 answers in total
My partner is increasingly withdrawing from me, what can I do about it?
Answer by Single
Whether it's truly beneficial in the long run to take separate vacations or pursue different hobbies is debatable. And is that even desirable when you're in a relationship? While it's healthy not ...
4 answers in total
What should a single have done at least once in their life?
Answer by Single
When I reminisce about my time as a single person, two things stand out to me that I particularly enjoyed doing alone. Firstly, there was the evening "exploring the town". I relished driving to ...
2 answers in total
I want to finally fall in love again!
Answer by Single
You're never too old to fall in love. The way our emotions express themselves changes with time, but they're still there. Maybe you're overthinking the whole dating process. Think about ...
2 answers in total
Help! I'm in love with my best friend's boyfriend! What now?
Answer by Single
Well, it's naturally super awkward to be in love with your best friend's partner. But that's just how it is. Why torture yourself? Just tell her and her boyfriend, whom you've fallen for, straight ...
5 answers in total
True love or just an affair?
Answer by Single
It's clear as day that he's seeking an adventure. He's not serious about it. Why would he be planning to leave his wife and hasn't initiated the separation already? You don't seriously believe ...
5 answers in total
How should I tell her that I like her?
Answer by Single
You should definitely tell her sooner rather than later. Whether within the friend circle or not, be direct. It's important that you meet alone, without being inhibited by other people. Express ...
2 answers in total
Is she serious or is she just playing with me?
Answer by Single
Just meet up with her... what's the worst that could happen? If she stands you up or doesn't show up for the date at all, you'll know where you stand!
2 answers in total
Why can't I cope without a woman by my side?
Answer by Single
For the next relationship, you might want to take to heart that it's not possible without compromises. Just holding back does not work in a relationship in the long run. Attention and respect for ...
4 answers in total
Contraception: Woman's or Man's thing?
Answer by Single
Both partners should demonstrate enough sense of responsibility to protect themselves and their sexual partner. Whether it's a relatively harmless vaginal yeast infection, the extreme case of HIV, ...
9 answers in total
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