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Can women still be impressed by intelligence?

I am currently studying and consistently receive good grades. Please don't take this as arrogance. What I mean to say is, I'm not completely clueless.

In my course, I have a buddy who barely passes his exams. His parents have a lot of money, and he doesn't have to work for his car or apartment during his studies. On the other hand, I have to work part-time for my small one-bedroom apartment, and I can't even afford a car. In terms of looks, we are similar—both attractive, not model types but not ugly either. He always has a girlfriend, while I remain perpetually single.

I'm starting to wonder if women are only impressed by money and no longer by charm and intelligence. Do women find intelligent men less attractive than men with showcase attributes?

by Single
I don't think IQ is decisive for a relationship!... There are so many other factors at play... and the 'chemistry' can still be right even if intelligence isn't the focal point. Perhaps your buddy has other qualities that make it easier for him to meet girls... But because of that, you shouldn't be looking at others; instead, focus on doing your own thing... Maybe he had relationships for it that you never wanted to have...

by Single
Impressing might be the wrong word. I believe that women want an intelligent partner. However, this is mutual. One should never make the mistake of making their partner, whether a man or a woman, look foolish. It's also a matter of mutual respect.

by Single
It is also a question of how one can teach a woman that one is intelligent. It's not like you can boast about your knowledge or present your certificates on a date. Your friend has it easier in that regard. Women can see if he is well-dressed, drives an expensive car, or has a stylish apartment. However, I also believe that one cannot impress a woman with intelligence alone. Because a woman wants an equal partner and not someone who might make her feel inferior.

by Single
I am a woman, and you can't impress me solely with intelligence, nor with a lot of money or just good looks. When I'm looking for a partner, I pay more attention to whether I find the person likable, if they have a sense of humor, and if we share similar interests.

Intelligence alone cannot impress me in a man because, for me, that is a basic requirement that a partner must possess.

Both partners should operate on an equal footing in a relationship. There should be a roughly similar level of intelligence. This makes the relationship much easier and more interesting. If the intellectual differences in a partnership are too great, at least one person will not be happy.

by Single
I think there are many superficial women who only care about appearances or money. For such women, whether someone is intelligent or not is irrelevant. The question is whether one would even want such a superficial person as a girlfriend. Personally, I believe that one can easily do without such women. When life takes a downturn, perhaps losing a job or facing financial difficulties, and if your partner leaves you in such situations... it's better to take a little longer to find someone who loves you for who you are, rather than someone solely focused on money and material things.