Why can't I find the right woman?
I've been single for nearly two years now, and I feel lonelier with each passing day. I've tried everything to find the right woman for me, but it just doesn't seem to work out.
I've tried both offline and online dating, signing up for various dating sites on the internet. For instance, I often go to the gym during the week, where I've found several women attractive and tried to strike up conversations with them. However, it usually ends up being just superficial small talk, and we never really get to know each other better.
Online dating is similar. I've messaged many women, both boldly and on a friendly basis, and occasionally I'll get a response and we'll exchange messages, but it rarely leads to a date.
Hello, first of all, it’s very important not to lose hope. Finding the right woman for life is anything but easy. Women generally find men attractive when they exude a high level of self-confidence. So, combat your despair with positive thoughts and push away anything that makes you think of failure.
A very important point in the search for a partner is that you can never force love. So don’t go to places with a desperate mindset, thinking that’s where you’ll meet a woman.
I’ve been single for a while, but I’m doing well because I have interesting hobbies and a great job that fulfill me. You should also start at this point and look for things that excite you. For example, if you enjoy cooking, take more time for this hobby and consider joining a cooking class for singles. When the women there see how passionate you are about it, they will quickly become interested in you. Plus, you'll have an interesting topic to talk about, and the conversation will likely go beyond small talk. Wait for little signals from her and then be more proactive.
I hope I could help you. Hopefully, you’ll find the right woman for you soon! I wish you all the best in your search.
Maybe you just have too negative of a vibe, you always come across as how you feel about yourself. I don't mean to offend, but could it be possible that you're only attractive at first glance, but can't convince with words?
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