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by Single

How can I overcome my inhibitions to approach women without fear?

I'm afraid to approach strange women. I mean, women on the street whom I find attractive and would like to get to know. Generally, I don't have a problem talking to women. It's just when I'm out, for example, at a club or shopping, and I see a woman I really like, I always hesitate to approach her. I feel like the more I like the woman, the more hesitant I become. I never know what to say. I'm very shy, but people don't notice it.

What can I do to overcome my inhibitions towards women and become more relaxed? How do I approach a woman properly? Can someone give me tips on how to approach a woman correctly, what to say, what kind of lines do you have? I can do without tips like drinking alcohol in the club to loosen up!

by Single
Someone recently told me in relation to another but similar topic that it's quite normal to be excited... sometimes, in such situations, you just release too many endorphins, which can also lead to certain "paralysis" symptoms... basically, in those moments, you have to (somehow) realize that it's completely normal and something beautiful that generates all the excitement and try to look forward to it!! :) Easier said than done... I know!...