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Do women find bald men attractive or unsexy?

Butter bei die Fische! Jetzt mal ehrlich, finden Frauen eine Männerglatze erotisch oder doch eher unsexy? Mein Haupthaar wird so langsam leider immer lichter. Ne OP kann und will ich mir nicht leisten. Ich möchte auch ungerne mein Leben lang irgend welche Tabletten schlucken oder dubiose Haarwässerchen oder Shampoos nehmen. Daher bin ich kurz davor mir eine Glatze zu scheeren. Meint ihr dass ich mich damit anfreunden kann und was mir viel wichtiger ist - wie kommt so ne Glatze bei der Damenwelt an?

Let's be real, do women find balding men erotic or rather unsexy? Unfortunately, my head hair is slowly getting lighter. I cannot and will not afford an operation. I also don't want to swallow any tablets or dubious hair lotions or shampoos for the rest of my life. So I'm about to go bald. Do you think i can get used to it? But it is much more important to me to know whether such a bald head appeals to women or is more of a hindrance when looking for a partner?

by Single
I decided to shave a bald head a good two years ago. So far I haven't regretted it. I have to say that hair loss was a gradual process. I already had pronounced receding hairlines at a young age. When it got lighter and lighter on my head, I actually had no choice but to cut my hair shorter and shorter. Then one day I decided (it was the first week of my annual vacation) to shave everything off.
At first I was really skeptical whether that suited me. But then I just did it! It was a very strange feeling when I looked at myself so 'naked' in the mirror for the first time. I looked as if I was dead ill ;) I had my hair very short before, but shaving off completely is another league. I never would have thought either, but it does matter. Then first went on vacation where nobody knew me :)

And today? I think it's super practical and women seem to love it too. So it is by no means a hindrance when looking for a partner. But of course you can't say that across the board. One is bald and looks good, the other not. I can only recommend it to you - trust yourself and just do it!

by Single
Well, inside, I've already come to terms with it. And I don't really have a problem with that. I just wanted to get general feedback from the ladies as to whether a bald head is generally perceived as ugly or maybe even as male. Personally, I find it rather unsexy when you run out of hair but wear the obligatory fringe of hair. Or even worse, when men let their last hair grow long on the side and then comb it over. I'd rather use the razor - clearcut - done!

by Single
First and foremost, you should be comfortable with your skin, with or without hair. And if a woman likes you, it is for who you are. Nobody should change just to please.