Friendship with benefits, yes or no, what do you think?
I have a pretty good friend. We are both very personable. I really like him and he also makes me feel like he likes me very much. He broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago, so he's solo. I'm not in a relationship right now either. We both get on really well and spend a lot of time together. Sometimes he always makes such ambiguous allusions and he has also thought that I was really hot and so on. We have also talked about the friendship with benefits thing and I know that he is not averse and that it would even be cool - typical man. I don't have a problem with that either and since we're both not looking for a relationship at the moment but just for fun, it would also fit. But I don't know if I should suggest a friendship with benefits to him. What do you all mean?
It all sounds positive, but even if you agree on the thing about friendship with benefits, in my opinion someone will always fall by the wayside at some point. Either you or he falls in love with you and then at the latest you have a problem. Because mostly only one of them falls in love! If friendship with this guy is important to you, I would advise against it from my own experience.