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Meet andyr00 (Southampton) - Online Dating for Singles

Andyr00 is a man currently single and looking for a date partner. He is 35 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet andyr00 or find other singles from Southampton, United Kingdom on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
andyr00 male
35 years
Relationship status
I'm looking for
Eye color
Hair color
5'1" / 156 cm
168 lbs / 76 kg
Body type
Zodiac sign

Meet Men Like Andyr00 Today - Find Serious Relationships

Below you can see andyr00's personal ad from Southampton. He is looking for singles from Southampton and the surrounding area in the category man seeking woman. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
That's me
I am a single who signed up on this dating site to meet new people. If you also come from Southampton or the Southampton area, I would be glad if you write to me.

We could chat to see if the chemistry is right between us. If you feel like, we can meet on a first date somewhere in Southampton or in your city. I am interested in a lot of things. I like to meet new people ❤️ You can really have fun with me. Just get to know me.

So what are you waiting for?! Send me a message right away.
Who I am looking for
Are you single and looking for a new partner? Then we might be a good match! You should be kind, loyal, and humorous.
That's important to me
As a single one certainly have different views. In a serious relationship, characteristics like loyalty, tolerance and humor are meaningful to me.
For me, erotic means
I find a lot of things covetable about good-looking women. I'll tell you at the right time and in the right place, so please be patient.
I want to get to know people from Southampton for
Dating & relationship
Flirt & adventures
Meet friends & find new friendships
I just want to look around

Andyr00's Special Interests

Pop / rock, hip hop, rap, jazz, techno, house, r&b / soul, reggae, alternative, charts, Chill out
Going to cinema, sports, spending free time with friends, feast on, take a rest, listen songs, traveling, art / creative working, bake cakes
Football, soccer, bowling, swimming, cycling, jogging, darts, Badminton
Favorite books
Browsing through novels, crime novels and books generally, is fun for many people. But I didn't feel like listing all of my favorite books here. If you want to know if reading is one of my hobbies, just send a message and I'll answer you.
Favorite movies
Watching love movies together is much better than alone, isn't it? Pure romance! Do you want to know which movies I'm into besides love stories 😊 get in touch! What are your best love movies?
Favorite TV shows
Watching television is a great opportunity to take your mind off from everyday life, but the TV program is quite not the deciding factor to find a partner.
Where you can find me in Southampton
I will only tell you personally where you can address me, but I am currently living in Southampton, United Kingdom.

What Sets andyr00 Apart

Associate degree
Architecture / interior design
White / Caucasian
andyr00 is already a member of our free online dating site and he is looking for a female partner. He comes from Southampton and is currently single. Here you can find more Singles from Southampton, United Kingdom to date with. If you want to send andyr00 a free chat message, all you have to do is sign up here.