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Single loveforreal From Reading

Loveforreal is a woman currently single and looking for a date partner. She is 39 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet loveforreal or find other singles from Reading, United States on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
loveforreal female
39 years
Relationship status
I'm looking for
Eye color
Hair color
5'4" / 163 cm
104 lbs / 47 kg
Body type
Zodiac sign

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Below you can see loveforreal's personal ad from Reading. She is looking for singles from Reading and the surrounding area in the category woman seeking man. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
My self-description
I am vulnerable about my exterior appearance, about my body. I do not like when you compliment me about my aspect with jokes. I like and sometimes even prefer a stranger's compliment when it is said appropriately. I like when you surprise me with your compliments. Being surprised is like feeling there is something new, novel. I appreciate constructive suggestions, for example about the way I dress, but I do not like when you joke about it. If there is something you do not like, for example my new lipstick, tell it with courtesy, and buy me another one without letting me know.
Who I am looking for
My desire is to meet a Handsome, sensitive, sensuous, warm, assertive single man who wants a friend. My interpretation of a friend is one to whom you can pour out all the contents of your heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentleness of hands will take it all, sift it, keep that which is worth keeping and, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away. I thank you in advance for allowing me to be that kind of friend to you.

I am looking for a special, loving relationship with a unique Man who is affectionate, Handsome, with a shapely figure, sincere, easygoing, with interests and characteristics similar to mine ... someone who wants a meaningful, serious, long-term relationship ... not just a few dates. Are you that special Man?

I am looking for someone who has a great sense of humor and big heart, is curious about new things that would like to share new experiences or old habits.

I am looking for someone who believes that a true intimate partner looks out for the other and vice versa. While navigating life together, we are caring and concerned for each other's well-being because we make each other so happy and we love each other very much.

Looking for a serious long term relationship with someone who posesses strong character and is goal-oriented. He must love the Lord with all of his heart, then I know he will love me with all his heart.

He should enjoy good humor, love to laugh, and be a hopeless romantic. So that would make him a God-loving romantic guy ... and God will approve. lol. My ideal partner must love to take long walks ... holding hands ... when I am not giving him a "walk for his money" ... His yes must be yes, and his no, no.
That's important to me
As a single you should know what's important to yourself - but I prefer not to answer this in my personal ad.
For me, erotic means
The topic does not belong on a online dating site for serious relationships!
Men wanted for
Dating & relationship
Flirt & adventures
Meet friends & find new friendships
near Reading & the surrounding area

Loveforreal's Special Interests & Favorite Hobbies

Country, techno, house, r&b / soul
Interests & Hobbies
Literature & books, cinema, play instruments, being activ in sporting activities, spending free time with friends, enjoy good food, do nothing, listen music, discover foreign countries while traveling, arts & culture, baking
Football, soccer, swimming, cycling, snowboarding, jogging
Favorite books
Love to read things fall apart
Favorite movies
Love to watch romeo and gulliet
Favorite TV shows
Love firlms
Favorite places where you can find me in Reading

Education & Origin

White / Caucasian
loveforreal is already a member of our free dating site and she is looking for a male partner - Woman Seeking Man. She comes from Reading and is currently single. Here you can find more Singles from Reading, Pennsylvania, United States to date with. If you want to send loveforreal a free message to meet her in the chat, all you have to do is sign up here.