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Janna from Akron: Free Online Dating Service

Janna is a woman currently single and looking for a date partner. She is 32 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet janna or find other singles from Akron, United States on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
janna female
32 years
Relationship status
I'm looking for
Eye color
Hair color
5'5" / 166 cm
88 lbs / 40 kg
Body type
Zodiac sign

Personal Dating Ad of Janna: Woman Seeking Man

Below you can see janna's personal ad from Akron. She is looking for singles from Akron and the surrounding area in the category woman seeking man. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
My self-description
:I like to play badminton and go travel with friends. Im happy go lucky person, charming, sweet, caring and loving.
I love to eat chocolates. I am beautiful inside and out. my favorite color is green. spongebob lover. im a pet lover. i love to hang out with friends.
I'm looking for
: I am looking for a man who is responsible, generous and understanding.
A man with a kind hearted and open minded and accept me for who I am.
sexually active. handsome. A gentleman. a man who love me for what i am.
iI am looking for a man that is caring, loving and understanding.
What's important for me
You should know what is important, but I don't want to answer the question of what is really important to me as a single in a dating site.
For me, erotic means
Sexual topics such as sex, erotic and love fantasies do not belong here!
Singles wanted for
Dating & relationship
Flirt & adventures
Meet friends & find new friendships
I just want to look around
from Akron and the surrounding area

Janna's Special Interests

Pop / rock, rap, jazz, techno, charts
Literature and books, being activ in sporting activities, feast on, do nothing, discover distant countries while traveling, surf the internet, cook food
Soccer, swimming, cycling, jogging
Favorite books
You should read every day. Do I actually have time to read a lot as a single? Just drop me a message and ask me.
Favorite movies
Watching schmaltzy love movies to cry together as a couple is much nicer than alone, isn't it? Pure romance! If you want to know which movies inspire me besides love stories, get in touch to find out! Which movies do you love?
Favorite TV shows
Watching television is quite cool, especially in the evening, but the television program is not the deciding factor when choosing a partner.
Favorite places to meet me in Akron
I currently live in Akron, exact details of where you can date me are secret and should not be posted in personals.

What Sets Me Apart

I will just tell you one-on-one what level of education I have.
A job and making money is essential but I don't want to entrust this information a dating site.
Speaking many languages helps communicate with a partner, but I don't want to say too much about myself on an international dating site.
One shouldn't deny one's origin! I would be happy to tell you personally. Let's just chat.
janna is a member of our free online dating service and she is looking for a male partner. She comes from Akron and is currently single. On you can find more Singles from Akron, Ohio, United States for a date. If you want to send janna a free chat message, just register here.